Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mortal Instruments Giveaway!

Check it out, for a chance at the first 3 books and BN exclusive of City of Fallen Angels. A runner up will recieve Clare's Clockwork Angel. :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Giveaway Dos

Here's another book giveaway, Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach.

A new Giveaway!

Here's a book giveaway for a  copy of  Lemniscate by Jennifer Murgia! This is a sequel to the book Angel Star, which I haven't read yet, but it's definitely on my to-read bookshelf. =) Check it out!

Friday, April 8, 2011

I'm terrible at Blogging!!!

I'm really bad... like really bad. HAHA! Sometimes I have the time but no motivation, and yet times where I'd like to post an item but don't have the time. Oh well, I'll try better. Maybe once a month will work ? =]

Anyways, here's a blog that I like to follow. I love all her nail pics and reviews... so check her out! Here's the link to her giveaway going on. I give her kudos for being a more consistent blogger!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


After taking care of a sick family member today, I was uber excited when I remembered Survivor is back on tonight! (I am watching it as I type [commercial!]) I am intrigued with the idea of Redemption Island.. These survivors better be careful who they vote off!

Okay, it's back on!

Oh and Boston Rob is awesome, and Russell is ridiculus as always. haha.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Books to read

So lately my home away from home has been the local library. I love the online system that allows me to queue up and have books sent to my local branch where after an email notification, it sits waiting with my name on it. :) I really love to read or listen to audiobooks (as of late) and I have come to find that I get sort of depressed when I finished my books, especially when I finish a series. I can't tell you how bummed I was when I finished the Harry Potter series. I'm sure there were lots who felt the same when that series ended, as it was a 10 year adventure. After the umpteenth time of feeling empty after finishing a book I decided to google to see if anyone else felt the same and lo and behold, I wasn't! Many, many, many people have asked the same question! Does anyone else get depressed when finishing a book? I like to think it's people who have a huge imagination and love to be a part of another world. You become so involved with the characters and living in that world that the book takes you to that when you're done, you don't want to leave, you don't want it to end!

I am a huge fan of fantasy, sci-fi, or any fiction really. I love being taken to other worlds, I love the adventure and the suspense and it doesn't hurt to add a love triangle or love plot somewhere in there too haha. I've never been a non-fiction/autobiography fan... Although in these times, it seems important to know where we came from and about people who have made a difference in the world, but I'm just one of those who want to get away from reality.

So lately I've been going to the local bookstore (Borders) and looking to see the newest titles, I'm preferring Young Adult literature to just adult fiction. I think it's been a real craze since the Twilight Saga came out. And I have to say, I started reading it after New Moon had come out before it really got big. Also when Stephanie Meyer released her adult fiction The Host, I went to the book signing and had that signed and my copy of Eclipse. =) Just had to throw that out there lol. They are safely tucked away in my book shelf. As of yesterday I have 43 books/audiobooks/manga checked out. [Oh yeah, manga, I'm a fan of anime and this is my first time really trying to read some manga since a lot of people seem to prefer the manga version to the anime version of some titles. Right now I have Vampire Knight sitting on my bedside table.] I have about 25 audiobooks that I'm cycling through my laptop and storing. My theory for this need, is that I want to have a plethora of books to choose from when I get bummed from finishing one. Also, it's easier to get the audiobook of a new release than the actual book. Another perk is that I can get more stuff done around the house while listening to a book than it's been trying to listen to a DVD.

That all being said, I like to put in my cell phone the titles I find striking at the bookstore to search for later. I'm thinking about compiling a list here for Books-to-read so I don't forget and if people actually read this, they can comment on the titles too (if you like or dislike, why or why not.)

The Mysterious Benedict Society
The Night of the Solstice
The Looking Glass Wars
The Eternal Kiss
Blood Ninja
The Islands of the Blessed
Brain Jack
The Game
The New Kid series
The Necromancer
Jekel Loves Hyde
The Prince of Mist
The Fallen
Book of Spells
Once in a Full Moon

Just to name a few. I may or may not adjust/add/remove titles.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Grammy's- And Arcade Fire wins!!

I'm uber excited they won over Lady Gaga! I do love Gaga, but ever since I saw them perform Laika on Late Night with Conan O'brien back in February 2005, I was a fan. The canadian based band is sooo quirky and different that I was in love... so to speak lol.
Anyways!! I'm thoroughly pleased. :) I also loved Katy Perry's performance at the Grammy's with the footage of her wedding in the background as she sat high on her swing. And did NOT like John Mayer trying to look like Johnny Depp. Depp is one hot man without even trying.
I'm still watching the Grammy's via DVR sooo..